

As a leader in Singapore’s early childhood education sector, NTUC First Campus (NFC) constantly transforms our pedagogy through innovation, to deliver a dynamic learning experience for every child. At NFC, it is not just our children who are guided to realise their fullest potential, but our employees too. We also support the vulnerable and low-income families to ensure that no one is left behind.

Always Learning,
In New And Better Ways

As a leader in early childhood care and education, NFC is always in search of new ways to strengthen our curriculum and teaching practices to bring the learning experience of our children to the next level. Leveraging on digital technology, we innovated our teaching tools to benefit our existing children and their families, and launched new educational services for a new market.

Supporting Children
And Families

Families are at the heart of what we do. To enable opportunities for all, NFC extended support for families whose livelihoods continued to be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. We also provided high-quality pre-school education for more children and supported more working families with the growth in enrolment.

Innovating For Excellence

Innovation and technology are key to delivering high-quality pre-school education to the children and families we serve. NFC embraced digitalisation and adopted a future-ready mindset to redesign the way we work. This has helped us improve productivity and collaboration between departments. In keeping with our people-centric approach to nurturing employees, we strengthened our staff’s skill sets and capabilities on the digital front, to ensure that we stay ahead of the curve. This has earned us numerous accolades in 2021.



Message from
Chairman and CEO

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