
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind Workshop (HBHM)

The Healthy Body, Healthy Mind (HBHM) series aims to share tips and strategies to develop good eating habits in children and help caregivers take care of their well-being. Fun interactive workouts are also included.


  • A variety of topics will be offered during the workshops, and parents are free to sign up for the session(s) they are interested in.
  • To make the workout session fun and engaging for children, mini-games will be incoporated into the workout sessions!



Parents will be better equipped with nutritional knowledge as well as self care tips.

Families will enjoy quality bonding time together with the interactive workout conducted during the workshops.

Who is eligible?


  • Monthly gross household income is $6,000 or less; or $1,875 per capita or less (applicable for 5 or more members in the household).

How to apply?


Please speak to your My First Skool centre principal or email us if you have any queries.