17 NTUC First Campus employees were recognised at Singapore National Co-operative Federation’s inaugural Co-operative Movement Night


04 June 2022

Convincing parents to enrol their children with developmental needs in an Early Intervention Programme is not an easy task. But that is what Senior Manager of the Child Support Services Department at NTUC First Campus (NFC), Ms Deniece Bidhiya, strives to do. 

“I feel a lot of joy because I get the satisfaction of seeing how children benefit from the programme. It is nice to see parents understanding their children and learning how to help them,” she said.  

The Early Intervention Programme at My First Skool (MFS) aims to reduce the gap between children with moderate developmental needs and their peers, thereby easing their integration into primary schools. This benefits the children, families and the community at large.  

Deniece’s unwavering commitment to ensure that children with developmental needs and their parents received specialised help was recognised at the inaugural Co-operative Movement Night by Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SCNF) on June 3.  

Centred on the theme “Women Make Magic”, SNCF’s Co-op Movement Night is an inaugural event that commemorates and celebrates female co-operators in Singapore, many of whom are outstanding individuals who have contributed selflessly to the movement, cared for others, and exhibited several of the co-operative values. 

Among the 56 awardees were 17 NFC employees who were recognised for doing their part to ensure bright futures for our children and their families:

  • Ms Hor Fong Lin, Chief Financial Officer, NTUC First Campus 
  • Ms Louisa Chng, Chief Child Support Officer, NTUC First Campus 
  • Ms Lili Chee, Area Director, My First Skool 
  • Ms Catherine Fang, Area Director, My First Skool 
  • Ms Belinda Chng, Area Director, My First Skool 
  • Ms Stella Pereira, Cluster Director, Little Skool-House 
  • Ms Li Wanyi, Senior Chinese Teacher, Little Skool-House 
  • Ms Deniece Bidhiya, Senior Manager, Child Support Services, NTUC First Campus 
  • Ms Tiffany Ye Mei Xuan, Centre Principal, My First Skool 
  • Ms Eveleen Ho, Deputy Centre Lead, My First Skool 
  • Ms Pamela Tan Yan Ying, Centre Principal, My First Skool 
  • Ms Li Yun, Chinese Teacher, My First Skool 
  • Ms Ji Haiping, Chinese Teacher, My First Skool 
  • Ms Hee Onn Nah, Senior Cluster Quality Manager, My First Skool 
  • Ms Valerie Cheng, Lead Learning Support Educator, NTUC First Campus 
  • Ms Jasmine Ham, Deputy General Manager, My First Skool 
  • Ms Lam Lee Lee, Vice Principal, Little Skool-House

MFS and afterschool‘s General Manager, Ms Thian Ai Ling, who sits on the Executive Council of the SNCF, co-chaired the organisation of this event and attended the event as one of the guests while Ms Yeo Wan Ling, Director of U SME and Women & Family Unit and Member of Pasir-Ris Punggol GRC, graced the ceremony as its Guest of Honour.  

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