Stay informed and up-to-date on the latest news and happening in NTUC First campus and the industry

Infant care in Singapore: Using art to help babies develop language skills

NTUC First Campus’ My First Skool introduces Home Learning Programme to complement its preschool curriculum, benefiting 22,000 students and their parents

NTUC First Campus’ My First Skool teachers apply creative ways for young learners to pick up their Mother Tongue Language (MTL) and learn important life values

NTUC First Campus spearheads first of its kind research study on mother tongue language acquisition in the early years to strengthen bilingual curriculum

Largest NTUC’s My First Skool and AWWA Early Intervention Centre officially open in Fernvale

Pilot programme at NTUC’s My First Skool enhances learning through the arts in partnership with National Arts Council

NTUC First Campus Birth-to-Three Curriculum sets new quality benchmark

NTUC’s My First Skool introduces first-of-its kind character-building programme

Bilingual Storybook Series for All Pre-schools in Singapore

Mentoring Starter Kit Launched for Early Childhood Care and Education Sector