Business Unit Careers

Zoe Chan

The joy of teaching is immeasurable and witnessing the diversity of growth in young children is ever rewarding. NFC-sponsored trainee programmes have allowed me to comfortably settle into this sector with relevant content knowledge. With the company’s support, I have experienced the challenge of developing programmes and encouraging lifelong learning in others as well as in myself.

Cecilia Wong

I am more at NFC because I am at the forefront of trailblazing efforts.

In my current role at NFC, I am closely involved in the partnership between NFC and the Singapore University of Social Sciences to offer their students a Minor in Early Childhood Education Leadership. This work-study programme is the first of its kind in the Singapore Early Childhood sector and I am proud to be part of its development. We have had to be creative and innovative in designing the programme, to tailor it to a constantly changing environment while exploring new ways of learning for our future leaders

Besides being a giant on the innovation front, NFC also emphasises the importance of staff health and has created unique programmes to support this focus. One such example is an app that allows us to attend webinars on non-work related content from the comfort of our homes. On top of that, NFC extends special leave to staff. Family Care Leave is particularly helpful to me because I have aging parents and this leave allows me to take time off to care for their needs. NFC’s efforts to support our well-being are truly exemplary and make us better workers.

Wiwik Susanthi Salim

I am more at NFC because innovation drives progress.

Belonging to a company like NFC offers me the assurance that my well-being is always taken care of. I was able to take Study Leave while pursuing my Diploma, which allowed me more time for focused study as well as for assignments. NFC also offers extra time for me to do the things I enjoy through another type of special leave, Well-Being Leave.

This innovative approach to staff welfare extends into operational areas as well. With the current pandemic situation, NFC has actively harnessed technology to engage staff. Examples include introducing Gnowbe, a mobile learning application that allows for learning on the go, and well-being sessions conducted via Zoom to ensure that staff engagement is not affected by the new norm.

This spirit of innovation provides many learning opportunities for both children and adults. It allows us to plan for exploration and build experiences as we encourage creativity in the children’s thinking processes. It also helps to foster relationships with families as we partner them in their children’s learning.

Syarafidah Razali

I am more at NFC because I am a part of pioneering ideas.

One of the best things about working for NFC is the innovative collaborations we have with various external partners. Our collaboration with the National Arts Council has brought in professional expertise and knowledge on the arts for both teachers and children.

In 2018, my centre held an Arts Day event which showcased children’s artwork in a gallery style, complete with tours, workshops and talks. This first-ever project of its kind was a great success and I hope to explore novel ways of using art in my teaching to help children develop their creativity and problem-solving skills.

Apart from our unified focus on the children, the working environment at NFC makes coming to work a joyful experience. In my centre, there is a culture of greeting each other every morning. This focus on making our workplace warm and personal begins right from the beginning, when new staff are introduced to everyone in the centre on their very first day of work. Taking time to put a face to a name makes introductions meaningful, and sets the stage for the spirit of warmth and closeness that we actively cultivate in the centre. We also have monthly dress ups where the teachers from each level chooses a theme for everyone to dress up to. It is a fun and simple initiative, but one that fosters our unity.

As early childhood teachers, we need to continuously think of new and innovative ways to make our teaching more fun and diverse to meet the needs of different children in society. It will also give us the opportunity to learn new ways of doing things while picking up valuable skills for our own personal development.

To this end, centre leaders are open to listening to suggestions from teachers on ways to improve centre operations. Mutual respect is important in the centre and disagreements are solved through respectful discussions. During section meetings, teachers are encouraged to share with each other the challenges and accomplishments they experience in their work. Teachers are also given the autonomy to expand or improve on class lessons. This trust and respect further contributes to the healthy working environment at the centre.

Sherlina Tan

I am more at NTUC First Campus because my well-being is a priority.

As teachers, the most important value for us to have is passion because without passion, everything we do is not genuine. With passion, we enjoy and love what we do. And we pass on this attitude towards the children in our care. When there is passion, you feel the spark for work, regardless of how tired you are.

NFC has supported me in many ways to maintain this joy and passion for teaching. From curriculum training to professional development courses, special leave and programmes that promote staff well-being, NFC has taught me to be an inspiration to others, particularly the children and their parents. I especially appreciate NFC’s Well-Being Leave because I can use that time to relax and pamper myself. Self-care is such an important part of health but not many companies extend support in this area. With NFC, I know that that I’m always a priority.

Serene Ong

I am more at NFC because I am empowered with knowledge.

My journey with NFC began when I joined the company as a fresh graduate. Over the years, NFC has afforded me an extremely well-rounded and in-depth learning experience that has made me the effective early childhood educator that I am today.

NFC believes in providing staff with a wide variety of professional training courses. These training sessions keep me on track with my education practices, and have also allowed me to pick up new skills and acquire new knowledge. Curriculum training has equipped me with skills on strategic planning and how to implement meaningful age-appropriate activities. A specialised course on art helped me to understand techniques and learn about extending art into lessons in order to provide holistic learning for the children.

A teacher’s work is constantly evolving and NFC empowers us with the best training opportunities to ensure that our efforts in the classroom are relevant and effective.

Nur Quraishah

I am more at NFC because my professional development takes centrestage.

When I graduated from polytechnic six years ago, NFC extended a 2-year trainee teacher programme to me, despite my qualification in a totally unrelated field. I immediately took up the offer and I have never looked back. NFC has led me to a stable career path and supported me in progressing as an early childhood professional. As a result, I am able to plan my long term goals in this industry, and that is something reassuring to me.

I have been provided with so many opportunities for growth. NFC encourages staff to attend regular training sessions, and these include internal curriculum training, external professional development courses as well as specialised workshops to support our mental and physical well-being. Over the years that I have been with NFC, I have grown tremendously both as a person and in my professional capacity, and it is due to the wonderful support extended by the company.

Michelle Phua

I am more at NFC because my creativity is valued.

Innovation is an important component of today’s rapidly-changing world. We need to constantly seek out new ways to approach situations, and this is even more so in our industry. Children are naturally innovative and full of imagination. They explore ways to attempt tasks and are not afraid of doing things unconventionally. As educators, this motivates us to think out of the box and provide children with even more opportunities and avenues to enrich their learning experiences. All of this wouldn’t be possible without creative thinking and being innovative.

NFC has always been a leader in innovation and I am fortunate to experience various initiatives with the company. The Inter-generation Programme with NTUC Health – Senior Day Care fosters care and empathy in our children through interaction and activities. NFC’s Relationship-Based Curriculum is another innovative effort that has benefited children aged 0 to 3 years to become confident active learners. Being a part of these programmes has really enriched my role as an early childhood professional.

Lynn Lim

I am more at NFC because of its continual opportunities for growth.

The culture and people are what drew me back to be part of the team. I have supportive principal and colleagues who are like family. We work in a warm environment where help is ready whenever we need them.

NFC has provided me with so many opportunities for growth. It encourages staff to attend training sessions such as curriculum training, emotional awareness workshop, music and movement, service quality, and specialised workshops from WSQ and SEED Institute to support our growth as an infant care teacher. Over the years that I have been with NFC, I have grown immensely in my professional ability, and I was presented the Achievement Award by my principal for Commendable Effort in 2016.

Liao Sulian

I am more at NFC because I am recognised for the work I do.

It all started out with my love for children. Being in this industry for over 7 years, I have learned the importance of patience and how it impacts young children. Patience is the key to winning the children’s trust and that makes them happy and eager to learn.

Over the years, my professional knowledge has expanded because of the trainings NFC has provided me on how to improve my quality of teaching. This is supported with group sharing and exchanges with my centre colleagues.

NFC not only believes in providing staff with a wide variety of professional training courses, but also encourages innovation and creativity when we develop teaching methods for the different children’s learning abilities and differences. In 2021, I was presented the ‘Outstanding Preschool Mother Tongue Teacher Award’ for a teaching plan I developed called ‘It’s Raining’. With the support and encouragement from my colleagues and love for children, I will continue to do my best in my role.

Lena Lee

I am more at NFC because I can be a pro-active educator.

If a teaching method is stagnant, it loses its effectiveness and may not be relevant. Therefore, it is important that we find new ways to teach and impart knowledge, and incorporate these into our teaching to make learning fresh and enjoyable. Innovation allows us to keep up with a changing world by finding more efficient ways to get things done.

The circuit breaker period truly brought out the hidden strengths of the NFC family. We agreed that although children had to be kept at home, their learning should not stop. My team and I prepared physical take-home activities and teachers prepared e-lessons, which had never been done before. Activities were posted on the parent portal for parents to conduct with their children. Then we explored live teaching on Google classroom as well as Zoom. This led to virtual school meetings, which really showcased our bond and joy in working with each other even during pandemic times.

Eileen Chia

I am more at NFC because I can inspire through creativity.

NFC has always been open to inputs from teachers in responding to challenges. This was evident during the global pandemic when my team and I explored ways of keeping children’s learning dynamic. For example, while inquiring into a unit about homes, not being able to go on field trips the traditional way didn’t stop us from our plans; we went on a virtual field trip to a friend’s home, which ended up being an interesting experience for both the children and the host family.

For graduation, we marked this milestone through a hybrid of virtual and physical elements that still retained the unique essence of the event. The idea of sending home a set of children’s graduation gowns and mortar boards while connecting with everyone online was innovative and well-received as grandparents and relatives residing overseas could also join us in commemorating the moment.

As pre-school educators, engaging in innovation serves as a model for young children to be aware of current events and how we can problem solve and respond in appropriate and creative ways.


I am more at NFC because I discover new things every day.

NFC understands that a happy staff is a loyal staff. Balancing family and work life is made possible through special leave benefits Family Care Leave and Well-Being Leave.

Against such a backdrop, it is therefore not surprising that my team and I are always ready to be involved in new projects. It is exciting to be part of an organisation that constantly updates practices and finds innovative ways to enrich our work experiences such as Skoolnet and Qoqolo. It allows us to be creative and bring about new initiatives, which we know are encouraged and valued. This supportive environment makes us approach each day at work eagerly and joyfully.

I have been involved in an innovative programme called ‘Singapore Little Treasures’, which allows children to learn about the different cultures in Singapore through virtual trips to the museum. Harnessing technology to enhance children’s learning is a fine example of how NFC encourages innovative teaching methods at our centres.

Dawn Hu

I am more at NFC because I am always learning and growing.

NFC is a company that values the feedback and opinions of staff. There are always platforms for us to speak up and share. This progressive approach has encouraged me to grow in a professional capacity because it affirms the message that each of us is important.

I have benefited from many learning opportunities in Singapore and beyond. The company sent me for overseas training in Hungary when I was a senior teacher, and the experience really helped to enhance my teaching. I have also attended overseas learning trips to Bali and Australia to gain more insights into early childhood pedagogy.

Being a part of the family at NFC is not just about work. The company also looks into our physical well-being and finds ways to motivate us to stay healthy. This really makes me feel treasured.

Yong Foong Ling

I am more at NFC because I never stop growing as a professional.

I am thankful for the many opportunities to learn and grow in my 30 years at NFC. Prior to becoming a curriculum specialist, I had been a teacher and centre principal at MFS. In each of these roles, I was able to pursue and attain my early childhood qualifications with the support of my RO and the generous sponsorship from NFC. I also had good mentors and colleagues to guide me and build my professional capability to take on new challenges and roles.

Over the years, I’ve gained valuable work experience and learnt many new skills. Some of these skills include being analytical, looking at details and being able to plan, organise and prioritise work.

NFC believes in empowering staff with regular training and I have benefited from this. I have learned to better understand adult learning and I have also discovered strategies to be more effective in leading and working with others. Attending local and international early childhood conferences have also enabled me to be up-to-date with current trends in the field.