September 27, 2020
Literacy development at the Little Skool House Report (Time 4)
Connie Lum, Seetoh Peipei
NTUC First Campus Co-operative Limited
Internal Evaluation Studies
Bilingual Language Development, Bilingualism, Curriculum, Literacy Development, Parent Perception, Primary School Preparation
Kindergarten 2, Literacy and Language, Mandarin, Primary School
The report follows the fourth time phase of the Literacy development at the Little Skool House research project. This research investigates how Little Skool House’s curriculum influences children’s bilingual language development in English and Mandarin by evaluating the participants at Kindergarten 2 and subsequently at Primary One. The report primarily focuses on parents’ perception of Little Skool House’s curriculum, their children’s adjustment to primary school, and their social skills development through a parent questionnaire. The major findings of the report revolve around children’s social skills and problem behaviours, enjoyment of English and Mandarin classes and homework, and parents’ perception of the Little Skool House curriculum.
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