



August 14, 2020

Temperament: The Basis of Our Personality – A Topic of Interest to Parents and Teachers


Marjory Ebbeck




Expert Article


Early Childhood Development, Early Childhood Teachers, Individual Differences in Infants, Parenting, Personality, Temperament


Child Development, Early Education, Goodness of Fit Model, Infants, Parenting, Specialised Care, Temperament


Human development theories often point to personality as having its origins in temperament - consistent, predictable patterns of behaviour in a person. Interestingly, temperamental traits can be seen in infants as young as two to three months. They play a crucial role in contributing to their early development and wellbeing, which have subsequent consequences on their later stage of development and life as well. A food-for-thought piece, this expert article introduces the concept of temperament and its importance in the early childhood setting. General implications on the need to factor in children’s temperament in parenting, education, and the early identification for interventions or specialised care are discussed in the article as well.

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Temperament: The Basis of Our Personality – A Topic of Interest to Parents and Teachers
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